First Workshop on Enabling Predictive Science with Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification in HPC

                                                   Best Paper Award:

                 “Efficient Probabilistic Tuning of Ensemble Forecasting Method”

            Authors: Alessandro Fanfarillo, Nicholas Malaya, Guido Cervone, Luca Delle Monache


Held in conjunction with: SC23, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Sunday 12 November 2023, 9:00am – 12:30pm  MDT, room 607

Workshop Theme

EPSOUQ-HPC 2023 is a workshop that connects engineers and scientists from within disciplines that conduct simulations or data analysis using supercomputing platforms, with the specific theme of approaches for enabling optimization and uncertainty quantification workflows. The exchange of ideas and methods for the optimization of codes and solutions, simulation validation, and assessment of uncertainties in mathematical models, computational solutions, and experimental data is the key focus. Networking opportunities throughout the workshop will establish an environment to spark discussions among scientists, engineers, students, and professionals from around the world centered on verified and validated supercomputing-enabled predictions. Our scope is to share methods and case studies demonstrating optimization and uncertainty quantification success stories and lessons learned across HPC architectures for a multitude of distributed computing, big data, and AI applications.


Submission process, proceedings and workshop presentations

All paper submissions favored through the reviewing process will be included as part of the workshop proceedings in the SC23 chosen conference journal. A percentage of the accepted publications will be able to participate in the workshop to give an oral 25 min presentation. A 4-page limit will be imposed for submissions including figures, tables, and appendices, including references. The reviewing process of all submitted papers will include a peer-review process of three reviewers, experts in the field. The evaluation criteria include relevance to the workshop thrusts, impact of the methods used and reproducibility of the results. We would like to encourage authors to include placeholders pointing to material (code, results, etc.) with reproducibility information. The workshop format will be based on peer-reviewed and published technical papers and will have a keynote talk from an invited speaker who is an expert and renowned member of the scientific field. 

Impressions from the 2023 Workshop






Format and page limits

All authors must use the new proceedings templates and the CCS2012 guide that are available at:


Timeline/Important Dates

18 Aug 2023
  • Paper submission deadline (Closed)
08 Sep 2023
  • Author notification
29 Sep 2023
  • Camera ready copy due/ Video upload for remote presentations
Oct 2023
  • Presentation instructions to authors

How to attend:

SC23 has a registration section partway 

Workshop chairs:

Antigoni Georgiadou, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, georgiadoua@ornl.gov

Tiernan Casey, Sandia National Laboratories, USA, tcasey@sandia.gov